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Gene editing technique could transform future

By Fergus Walsh  BBC   6 June 2016

[Brief introduction] CRISPR - get to know this acronym. It's good to know the name of something that could change your future. Pronounced "crisper", it is a biological system for altering DNA. Known as gene editing, this technology has the potential to change the lives of everyone and everything on the planet. 

acronym: [ˈækrənɪm]  美 ['ækrənɪm]  n. 首字母的缩写词

potential:英 [pəˈtenʃl]  美 [pəˈtɛnʃəl]   n.  潜力;潜能;

【简要介绍】 CRISPR,来认识一下这个首字母的缩写词。这个东西有可能改变你的未来,很值得认识一下这个词。这个词读作"crisper",它是用于改变DNA的生物系统。这项技术被称为基因编辑,它可能改变这个星球上任何人,任何生物的生命。


[What is it?] CRISPR was co-discovered in 2012 by molecular biologist Professor Jennifer Doudna whose team at Berkeley, University of California was studying how bacteria defend themselves against viral infection. Prof Doudna and her collaborator Emmanuelle Charpentier are now among the world's most influential scientists. The natural system they discovered can be used by biologists to make precise changes to any DNA. When a bacterium comes under attack it produces a piece of genetic material that matches the genetic sequence of the invading virus. This piece of material in tandem with a key protein called CAS9 can then lock on to the DNA of the virus, break it and disable it. 

collaborator:英 [kəˈlæbəreɪtə(r)]  美 [kəˈlæbəˌretɚ]  n. 合作者;协作者;   

influential:英 [ˌɪnfluˈenʃl]  美 [ˌɪnfluˈɛnʃəl]  adj.   有影响的;有权势的;

tandem:英 [ˈtændəm]  美 [ˈtændəm]   adv.  配合;与…合作

lock on 锁定;找定;   

语言分析:学术圈中,如果对方是教授,正式的称谓如同本文中是Professor Jennifer Doudna,或者Professor Doudna(但在美国或者澳洲,对方更喜欢你直接称呼他/她的名字,显得亲切)。如果对方还不是教授,如本文中,一般可以称为Dr. Charpentier,或者他/她的姓名。

发现的详情CRISPR是在2012年,由分子生物学家Jennifer Doudna教授和其合作者共同发现的,当时她在加州大学伯克利分校的研究团队正在研究细菌如何抵御病毒的侵袭。现在,Doudna教授和Charpentier博士成为了世界上最有影响的科学家。她们所发现的这个自然体系可以被生物学家们用于精确修改任何的DNA。当细菌受到(病毒)攻击,它会产生与入侵病毒遗传序列相同的一段遗传物质。而且配合这段遗传物质,有一个被称为CAS9的蛋白质分子,它可以锁定病毒的DNA,然后打乱它,使它失效。


[What can it do?] It is so sensitive that they can use it to explore the billions of chemical combinations that make up code of the DNA in a cell, and to make a single key change. Crucially, it is fast and cheap, and so is accelerating all kinds of research, from the creation of genetically-modified animal models of human disease to the search for the DNA mutations that trigger illness or confer protection. There are several recently-formed biotech firms which are hoping to take CRISPR technology into the clinic. They are working on the theory that CRISPR might be used to boost the function of the body's T cells so that the immune system is better at recognising and killing cancer. Disorders of the blood and immune system are other potential targets. Layla Richards had an aggressive form of leukaemia, and all previous treatments had failed. She remains the first person to date whose life has been saved by gene editing. The world's first gene-editing trials took place in California, involving a different technique, ZFNs.

sensitive :英 [ˈsensətɪv]  美 [ˈsɛnsɪtɪv]   adj. 灵敏;敏感;

crucially:英 [ˈkru:ʃɪəlɪ]  美 [ˈkruʃəlɪ]  adv.  重要的;关键的;

confer:英 [kənˈfɜ:(r)]  美 [kənˈfɚ]   v. 给予;授予;

clinic:英 [ˈklɪnɪk]  美 [ˈklɪnɪk]  n.    临床;门诊;

boost:英 [bu:st]  美 [bust]   v. 提高;增强;    

immune system 免疫系统;

leukaemia: [lu:ˈki:miə]  美 [luːˈkiːmiə]   n. 血友病;血癌;


【用途】 它(CRISPR-CAS9系统)是如此的灵敏,科学家可以用它在几十亿的化学物质中搜寻,这些化学物质构成了一个细胞的DNA分子,然后做出关键性的改变。关键在于,它高效而且便宜,可以用于加速各项研究,从创造一个与人类疾病相关的基因变异的动物为模型,到搜寻因为基因变异引起疾病或者提供的保护。有许多最近成立的生物技术公司,希望能够把CRISPR技术应用到临床治疗上。它们正在研究CRISPR的原理,以用它来提高人体免疫系统中T细胞的功能,使得免疫系统可以更好的识别并且消灭癌细胞。血液的疾病和免疫系统也是这些公司的潜在研究目标。Layla Richards患有一种类型凶险的血友病,她之前所有的治疗都失败了。但她成了有纪录以来,生命被基因编辑技术所挽救的第一人。世界上的首例的基因疗法实验在加州展开,用了另外一种基因编辑的技术ZFNs(锌指核酸酶)。


目前有几种基因编辑技术,注意治愈Layla Richards血友病的并不是目前最流行的CRISPR-CAS9。


[Ethical controversy] The most controversial aspect of gene editing concerns the potential to introduce changes to the germline - DNA alterations that would pass down the generations. In theory it might be possible to correct the DNA of embryos carrying the gene for Huntington's disease or cystic fibrosis. A team led by Kathy Niakan - recently named by Time magazine as one of the world's 100 most influential people - will use CRISPR to edit out key genes from the embryo, to try to identify the genetic faults which lead many women to repeatedly miscarry. The embryos will be allowed to develop for just a few days. … Prof Doudna told me of a nightmare she had where she was led into a dark room where a man was seated with his back to her. She said: "When he turned I realised with horror that it was Hitler and I was being expected to discuss this technology with him and he eagerly wanting to use it." She says that that while it is very hard to regulate the use of CRISPR technology, it is important to find a consensus about how people should proceed. "I never want to over-promise but I feel diseases will be cured and we want to enable clinicians and scientists to bring that to a reality."

controversial:英 [ˌkɒntrəˈvɜ:ʃl]  美 [ˌkɑntrəˈvɜrʃl]   adj. 有争议的;争论的;

germline  种系;

iinfluential:英 [ˌɪnfluˈenʃl]  美 [ˌɪnfluˈɛnʃəl]  adj.  有影响的;有权势的;

identify:英 [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ]  美 [aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ]  v. 识别;确定;

regulate:英 [ˈregjuleɪt]  美 [ˈrɛɡjəˌlet]   v. 控制;管理;

consensus:英 [kənˈsensəs]  美 [kənˈsɛnsəs]  n.  一致看法;共识;

proceed:英 [prəˈsi:d]  美 [proʊˈsid]   v. 前进;进行

【伦理学争议】基因编辑最有争议的地方是它可能把基因的变化带到整个种系内:变化的DNA会一辈一辈的传下去。理论上,可以改正胚胎的DNA,使其不再带有亨廷顿综合征和囊性纤维化的致病基因。一个由Kathy Niakan带领的团队,她最近被《时代周刊》评为世界上最有影响的100人,准备用CRISPR技术去编辑胚胎中的重要基因,从而确定出导致很多女性不断流产的基因缺陷。这些胚胎只发育几天的时间。… Doudna教授告诉我她曾经的一个噩梦,她被带到一间黑暗的房间里,一个男人背对着她。她说:“当他转身时,我惊恐地发现,他是希特勒,并且期待与我一起讨论这项技术,他急切地想要使用它。” 她告诉我,尽管很难规定CRISPR技术的使用,但科学家们取得共识,如何发展这项技术是很重要的。“我不想过度承诺,但我确实觉得很多疾病将被治愈,我们希望临床医生和科学家一起把这幅愿景变为现实。”
